Here is a general collection of interesting things I have done, things I wish to store, or details of how I fixed a computer when it broke so that I can remember how to do it again…
Articles are grouped using categories and tags , so please use these if you wish to narrow down to specific content.
Efficient deployment of Quarto presentations on a website using git hooks
Recently I have been writing my slides using Quarto . Here I describe the workflow I have converged on to render and deploy them on this website in an efficient and streamlined fashion.
RSECon24 - the 'R' in RSE
At RSECon 2024 I delivered one of the emerging voice plenaries . This was a talk about my experiences in research software engineering, with thoughts and ideas for future directions.
As this was a brief slot I wanted provide the content of the talk with a few of the ideas that didn’t make the cut here for reference and posterity.
The New Outdoor Classification Scheme for Target Archery
I was recently involved in developing a new target outdoor classification scheme to be used by Archery GB, the national governing body for archery in Britain. Whilst the new scores have been released to members I feel that many will appreciate a deeper understanding of how the system is structured, and some explanation of how we came to the new system. This is what I hope to achieve in this article.
Spotify from the command line
During the setup and build of a new machine I was making efforts to explore and learn the Linux environment in deeper detail. A large part of this involved setting up various utilities from (closer-to-)scratch. One of these was spotify from the command line. Since I had to implement a couple of workarounds I thought I’d write about it in the hope others might find it useful in future.
The Archery Handicap System Revisited
In this article I take a more in-depth look at the archery handicap system, examining the mathematics and physics behind it. I will also look at some of the flaws with the current equations before proposing a new set of equations to address these issues.
If you are not familiar with the archery handicap system, or want a more gentle introduction to the ideas behind it, please see my previous article on the subject.
Pizza Recipe
Since I make pizza reasonably often and always make it up as I go along (around a vaguely known structure) I have decided to write it down so I have something to refer back to in future, and something I can build on to improve.
The Archery Handicap System
In this article I hope to explain the archery handicap system, look at where it comes from to provide a better understanding, and highlight some of the less-well-known uses of the scheme.
My PhD Thesis
I recently purchased the most expensive book that I have ever bought, and owned it for just 15 minutes. What could such an excellent and insightful tome be?, I hear you ask. Why, my PhD thesis - ‘Laminar Analogues of Atmospheric Vortices’! Here is a brief summary of what I got up to.
Inertial wave modes in a cylinder
As part of my PhD I studied inertial waves in a vortex. This involved examining the modes of standing or ’trapped’ inertial waves in a cylindrical geometry. Though this is a relatively straightforward problem, I struggled to find an expression for the frequencies and modeshapes. I ended deriving the solution myself which was a little involved, so I thought I would document it here in the hope that those who are in a similar situation in the future might find it.
(Hugo) Website deployment using git (hooks)
When I set up my website I wanted to have it stored as a git repository for obvious reasons (read for when I inevitably mess something up). However, you do not wish for the git repo to be the website itself and neither do you wish to go in to your server after each push in order to re-build.
After much effort I finally found a solution that worked for me. This post consolidates what I learnt and did so that if anyone tries this in future they attempt this method (and I can replicate it when I inevitably mess something up).
Barebow Rose Awards
The Rose Award is a badge scheme run by Archery GB for the York/Hereford/Bristol rounds in the UK. To date badges have only been available for compound, recurve, and longbow archers. With the recent increase in the number of barebow archers Archery GB decided suitable scores should be added to the scheme. This article details how Mark Roberts and I decided upon suitable scores.
Getting to grips with grips - modifying a recurve grip
This is an old post I wrote elsewhere on the internet before I built this website. I have now moved it here.
It details how to modify a recurve grip, using epoxy putty, into a customised shape for you. There is also a discussion of the different styles of grip and how to select the best one for you.