Coupling Machine Learning to Numerical (Climate) Models: Tools, Challenges, and Lessons Learned

Jack Atkinson

Senior Research Software Engineer
ICCS - University of Cambridge

The ICCS Team and Collaborators (see end)



Slides and Materials

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Weather, Climate, and Machine Learning

The first weather model

In ~1916 Lewis Fry Richardson1 attemted2 to compute a 1 day forecast by hand using partial differential equations3.

He went on to publish Weather Prediction by Numerical Process (Richardson 1922)

Images from the Met Office in the UK, Fair Use.

The first weather model

In Weather Prediction by Numerical Process (Richardson 1922) LFR envisaged a “Forecast Factory”.

He lived to see this realised, albeit in a different setting, on ENIAC1 by Charney, the von Neumans et al. in 1950.

ENIAC by US serviceperson, Public Domain.
The Forecast Factory by Stephen Conlin (1986), Fair Use.

Models today

Climate models are large, complex, many-part systems.


Subgrid processes are largest source of uncertainty

Microphysics by Sisi Chen Public Domain
Staggered grid by NOAA under Public Domain
Globe grid with box by Caltech under Fair use


Subgrid processes are largest source of uncertainty

Microphysics by Sisi Chen Public Domain
Staggered grid by NOAA under Public Domain
Globe grid with box by Caltech under Fair use

Machine Learning in Science

We typically think of Deep Learning as an end-to-end process;
a black box with an input and an output1.

Who’s that Pokémon?

\[\begin{bmatrix}\vdots\\a_{23}\\a_{24}\\a_{25}\\a_{26}\\a_{27}\\\vdots\\\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}\vdots\\0\\0\\1\\0\\0\\\vdots\\\end{bmatrix}\] It’s Pikachu!

Neural Net by 3Blue1Brown under fair dealing.
Pikachu © The Pokemon Company, used under fair dealing.

Machine Learning in Science

Neural Net by 3Blue1Brown under fair dealing.
Pikachu © The Pokemon Company, used under fair dealing.


  • Reproducibility
    • Ensure net functions the same in-situ
  • Re-usability
    • Make ML parameterisations available to many models
    • Facilitate easy re-training/adaptation
  • Language Interoperation

Language interoperation

Many large scientific models are written in Fortran (or C, or C++).
Much machine learning is conducted in Python.

Mathematical Bridge by cmglee used under CC BY-SA 3.0
PyTorch, the PyTorch logo and any related marks are trademarks of The Linux Foundation.”
TensorFlow, the TensorFlow logo and any related marks are trademarks of Google Inc.

Possible solutions

  • Implement a NN in Fortran
    • Additional work, reproducibility issues, hard for complex architectures
  • Forpy
    • Easy to add, harder to use with ML, GPL, barely-maintained
  • SmartSim
    • Python ‘control centre’ around Redis: generic/versatile, learning curve, data copying
  • Fortran-Keras Bridge
    • Keras only, abandonware(?)


We consider 2 types:



At the academic end of research both have an equal effect on ‘time-to-science’.
Especially when extensive research software support is unavailable.



  • PyTorch (and TensorFlow) have C++ backends and provide APIs.
  • Binding Fortran to C is straightforward1 from 2003 using iso_c_binding.

We will:

  • Archive PyTorch model as Torchscript
    • to be run by libtorch C++
  • Provide Fortran API
    • wrapping the libtorch C++ API
    • abstracting complex details from users




xkcd #1987 by Randall Munroe, used under CC BY-NC 2.5

Highlights - Developer

  • Easy to clone and install
    • CMake, supported on linux/unix and Windows™
  • Easy to link
    • Build using CMake,

    • or link via Make like NetCDF (instructions included)

      FCFLAGS += -I<path/to/install>/include/ftorch
      LDFLAGS += -L<path/to/install>/lib64 -lftorch

Find it on :


Highlights - Developer

  • User tools
    • aids users in saving PyTorch models to Torchscript
  • Examples suite
    • Take users through full process from trained net to Fortran inference
  • FOSS
    • licensed under MIT
    • contributions from users via GitHub welcome

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Highlights - Computation

  • Use framework’s implementations directly
    • feature and future support, and reproducible
  • Make use of the Torch backends for GPU offload
    • CUDA, MPS enabled
    • XPU work in progress
  • No-copy access in memory (on CPU).
  • Indexing issues and associated reshape1 avoided with Torch strided accessor.

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Highlights - Computation

  • No-copy access in memory (on CPU).
  • Indexing issues and associated reshape1 avoided with Torch strided accessor.

Find it on :


Some code


use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : sp => real32

! Use the FTorch Library
use :: ftorch

implicit none

! Fortran variables
real(sp), dimension(1,3,244,244), target :: in_data
real(sp), dimension(1, 1000), target :: out_data
integer, parameter :: n_inputs = 1
integer :: in_layout(4) = [1,2,3,4]
integer :: out_layout(2) = [1,2]

! Torch Tensors
type(torch_tensor), dimension(1) :: in_tensors
type(torch_tensor) :: out_tensor

! Populate Fortran data
call random_number(in_data)

! Cast Fortran data to Tensors
! Create input/output tensors from the above arrays
in_tensors(1) = torch_tensor_from_array(in_data, in_layout, torch_kCPU)
out_tensor = torch_tensor_from_array(out_data, out_layout, torch_kCPU)

Model - Saving from Python

import torch
import torchvision

# Load pre-trained model and put in eval mode
model = torchvision.models.resnet18(weights="IMAGENET1K_V1")

# Create dummmy input
dummy_input = torch.ones(1, 3, 224, 224)

# Trace model and save
traced_model = torch.jit.trace(model, dummy_input)
frozen_model = torch.jit.freeze(traced_model)"/path/to/")


  • Statically typed subset of Python
  • Read by the Torch C++ interface (or any Torch API)
  • Produces intermediate representation/graph of NN
    • Including weights and biases
  • Trace for simple models, script also available

Model - Loading and running


! Define a Torch module
type(torch_module) :: model

! Load in from Torchscript
model = torch_module_load('/path/to/')


! Infer
call torch_module_forward(model, in_tensors, n_inputs, out_tensor)

Cleaning up

! Cleanup
call torch_module_delete(model)
call torch_tensor_delete(in_tensors(1))
call torch_tensor_delete(out_tensor)

! Use Fortran array `out_data` elsewhere in code

GPU Acceleration

Cast Tensors to GPU in Fortran:

! Load in from Torchscript
model = torch_module_load('/path/to/saved/gpu/', torch_kCUDA, device_index=0)

! Cast Fortran data to Tensors
in_tensor(1) = torch_tensor_from_array(in_data, in_layout, torch_kCUDA, device_index=0)
out_tensor = torch_tensor_from_array(out_data, out_layout, torch_kCPU)

Effective HPC simulation requires MPI_Gather() for efficient data transfer.

Applications and Case Studies

MiMA - proof of concept

  • The origins of FTorch
    • Emulation of existing parameterisation
    • Coupled to an atmospheric model using forpy in Espinosa et al. (2022)1
    • Prohibitively slow and hard to implement
    • Asked for a faster, user-friendly implementation that can be used in future studies.

  • Follow up paper using FTorch: Uncertainty Quantification of a Machine Learning Subgrid-Scale Parameterization for Atmospheric Gravity Waves (Mansfield and Sheshadri 2024)
    • “Identical” offline networks have very different behaviours when deployed online.


  • Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic Weather and Climate Model
    • Developed by DKRZ (Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum)
    • Used by the DWD and Meteo-Swiss
  • Interpretable multiscale Machine Learning-Based Parameterizations of Convection for ICON (Heuer et al. 2023)1
    • Train U-Net convection scheme on high-res simulation
    • Deploy in ICON via FTorch coupling
    • Evaluate physical realism (causality) using SHAP values
    • Online stability improved when non-causal relations are eliminated from the net

CESM coupling

  • The Community Earth System Model
  • Part of CMIP (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project)
  • Make it easy for users
    • FTorch integrated into the build system (CIME)
    • libtorch is included on the software stack on Derecho
      • Improves reproducibility

Derecho by NCAR

CESM - Bias Correction

Work by Will Chapman of NCAR/M2LInES

  • As representations of physics models have inherent, sometimes systematic, biases.

  • Run CESM for 9 years relaxing hourly to ERA5 observation (data assimilation)

  • Train CNN to predict anomaly increment at each level

    • targeting just the MJO region
    • targeting globally
  • Apply online as part of predictive runs

  • Low hanging fruit: Don’t load model (with all its weights) at every timestep!

ML Component Design/Packaging

ML parameterisations in CAM


  • With Paul O’Gorman (MIT) and Judith Berner (NCAR)
    M2LInES VESRI Project
  • Precipitation is tricky to get right in GCMs
    “too little too often”
  • Train in high-res. convection-resolving model

Gravity Waves

  • With Pedram Hassanzadeh and Qiang Sun (Chicago) and Joan Alexander (NWRA)
    DataWave VESRI Project
  • Gravity waves are challenging to represent accurately in GCMs
  • Train in high-res. WRF model
    (data-driven in future?)

Gravity waves by NASA/JPL - Public Domain
Deep convection by Hussein Kefel - Creative Commons

The challenges


When ML components are developed they typically have a:

  • normalisation routine

  • neural network architecture

  • de-normalisation routine

  • Enforcing of physical constraints

    • e.g. conservation laws

Several constituents to be transferred to host model.


A neural net trained on a different model/dataset requires:

  • Input data of the same format as the training model:
    • grid resolution
    • physical variables
    • data type

to function correctly.

Convection in CAM

Neural Network model trained in SAM (Yuval and O’Gorman 2020)

  • System for Atmospheric Modelling
  • Convection-Resolving Model (CRM)

To be re-deployed in CAM

  • Community Atmosphere Model of CESM
  • Global model
  • \(\Delta x \approx 100 \, m\)
  • \(\Delta x \approx 50-100 \, km\)
  • \(\Delta z \approx 50-100 \, m\)
  • \(\Delta z \approx 10-20 \, hPa\)
  • Temperature, humidity
  • Energy, vapour, rain, ice

Outputs are of the form \(\partial / \partial t\) so need to apply, convert, and difference.

Software architecture for ML parameterisations

The parameterisation:

  • Pure neural net core
    • TorchScript net coupled using FTorch
    • Easily swapped out as new nets trained or architecture changed
  • Physics layer
    • Handles physical constraints and non-NN aspects of parameterisation
      e.g. Conservation laws.
  • Provided with a clear API of expected:
    • variables, units, and grid/resolution
    • appropriate parameter ranges

Software architecture for ML parameterisations

The coupling:

  • Host model
  • Interface layer
    • Passes data from/to host model
    • Handles physical variable transformations and regridding
    • Passes data to/from parameterisation


  • Use of ML within traditional numerical models
    • A growing area that presents challenges
  • Language interoperation
    • FTorch provides a solution for scientists looking to implement torch models in Fortran
    • Designed with both computational and developer efficiency in mind
    • Has helped deliver science in climate research and beyond
      (Heuer et al. (2023), Mansfield and Sheshadri (2024))
    • Built into CESM to allow the userbase access
  • Coupling design
    • Careful thought can help when coupling ML and numerics
    • Adopt nested design with pure-ML core


ICCS Research Software Engineers:

  • Chris Edsall - Director
  • Marion Weinzierl - Senior
  • Jack Atkinson - Senior
  • Matt Archer - Senior
  • Tom Meltzer - Senior
  • Surbhi Ghoel
  • Tianzhang Cai
  • Joe Wallwork
  • Amy Pike
  • James Emberton
  • Dominic Orchard - Director/Computer Science

Previous Members:

  • Paul Richmond - Sheffield
  • Jim Denholm - AstraZeneca


  • Jack Atkinson
  • Simon Clifford - Cambridge RSE
  • Athena Elafrou - Cambridge RSE, now NVIDIA
  • Elliott Kasoar - STFC
  • Joe Wallwork
  • Tom Meltzer


  • Minah Yang - NYU, DataWave
  • Dave Conelly - NYU, DataWave


  • Will Chapman - NCAR/M2LInES
  • Jim Edwards - NCAR
  • Paul O’Gorman - MIT, M2LInES
  • Judith Berner - NCAR, M2LInES
  • Qiang Sun - U Chicago, DataWave
  • Pedram Hassanzadeh - U Chicago, DataWave
  • Joan Alexander - NWRA, DataWave

Thanks for Listening

The ICCS received support from


Espinosa, Zachary I, Aditi Sheshadri, Gerald R Cain, Edwin P Gerber, and Kevin J DallaSanta. 2022. “Machine Learning Gravity Wave Parameterization Generalizes to Capture the QBO and Response to Increased CO2.” Geophysical Research Letters 49 (8): e2022GL098174.
Heuer, Helge, Mierk Schwabe, Pierre Gentine, Marco A Giorgetta, and Veronika Eyring. 2023. “Interpretable Multiscale Machine Learning-Based Parameterizations of Convection for ICON.” arXiv Preprint arXiv:2311.03251.
Mansfield, Laura A, and Aditi Sheshadri. 2024. “Uncertainty Quantification of a Machine Learning Subgrid-Scale Parameterization for Atmospheric Gravity Waves.” Authorea Preprints.
Richardson, Lewis F. 1922. Weather Prediction by Numerical Process. University Press.
Yuval, Janni, and Paul A O’Gorman. 2020. “Stable Machine-Learning Parameterization of Subgrid Processes for Climate Modeling at a Range of Resolutions.” Nature Communications 11 (1): 3295.

Strong Scaling

Wilkes3 (CSD3)

  • 3rd Generation AMD EPYC 64-Core CPUs


  • Data transfer to GPU becomes important
    • Suggest using MPI_gather to reduce overheads
  • CPU Net scales well


Following the comparisons and MiMA experiments we performed detailed benchmarking to examine the library performance.