Jack Atkinson

Science, Archery, Computing

Jack Atkinson's Website

Jack Atkinson

Science, Archery, Computing

Curriculum Vitae

Employment - Education - Key Skills - Publications - Presentations - Outreach - Teaching - Awards - Other - References

Cambridge, United Kingdom


Leading project collaborations between RSEs and scientists from multiple institutions to improve climate modelling software, often with a focus on large numerical models and/or machine learning.
Supervision of other RSEs, presenting and convening conferences, design and delivery of teaching. Encouraging open and reproducible scientific software following FAIR principles.
Coding work can be viewed on my github .

Working with several VESRI institutions and projects to improve climate modelling software, often with a focus on large numerical models and/or machine learning
Encouraging open and reproducible scientific software following FAIR principles.
Coding work can be viewed on my github .

Researcher on the Sat-Risk project.
Using Satellite data to develop new boundary conditions for BAS radiation belt model and performing investigations into the Earth’s radiation belts.
Develop BAS model into a real-time operational model for use by UK Met Office.

Numerical work to improve the forecasting of volcanic ash plumes.
Part of the NERC R4AsH project. Teaching experience supervising students and undergraduate courses.


Thesis Title: Laminar analogues of atmospheric vortices
Supervisor: Professor PA Davidson
DOI: 10.17863/CAM.49925     –     PDF .

BA (First Class) and MEng (Distinction)
Specialism: Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering
Dissertation: Computer Based Cycle Analysis

Key Skills

Proficient in: Fortran, Python
Learning: Rust, Julia
Have used: CMake, C, C++, Matlab

Proficient in UNIX/Linux systems and shell
Experience with HPC systems (MPI, slurm, spack)
git, GitHub, GitLab
(neo)vim, quarto, \(\LaTeX\)
Python ecosystem: Matplotlib, PyTorch, NumPy, SciPy, pandas, jupyter
Web development: Flask, Hugo, SQL, apache server management

Natural Languages
English - native
German and French - basic working level (GCSE)
Swedish - basic

Fellow of the Cambridge Philosophical Society - 2015 - present
Society of Research Software Engineering - 2022 - present
European Geosciences Union - 2020 - present
Association for Computing Machinery - 2024 - present
Royal Meterological Society - 2018 - 2020
Institute of Mechanical Engineers - 2011 - 2020



Atkinson JW, Elafrou A, Kasoar E, Wallwork JG, Meltzer T, Clifford S, Orchard D,
and Edsall C
DOI: 10.21105/joss.07602     –     PDF

Atkinson JW and Denholm J
DOI: 10.21105/jose.00239     –     PDF

Glauert SA, Atkinson JW, Ross JP, and Horne RB
DOI: 10.1029/2023JA032249     –     PDF


Davidson PA, Wong O, Atkinson JW and Ranjan A
DOI: 10.1103/physrevfluids.7.074701     –     PDF


Atkinson JW and Davidson PA
DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2019.690     –     PDF

Atkinson JW, Perry, JEG, and Davidson PA
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.4.074701     –     PDF



June. 2024

May. 2024


Sept. 2023

July. 2023

April. 2023


Dec. 2019


Mar. 2018

Feb. 2018


Sept. 2017

Aug. 2017

Jun. 2017


Oct. 2016

Community Activity

Publicity and Outreach

Following my MiniSymposium on the above topic I was interviewed for my thoughts on the subject, and where it is going.
Jun 2024
YouTube Video

discussing the new high performance computer at the university of cambridge and its role in climate modelling and science
feb 2024

Discussing RSE and how it can be used to improve climate modelling and science - Link
Dec 2023

Workshop/event discussing AI and climate with the public with Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science, and the Public
AI Hopes and Fears Lab
News article: AI, where are we going?
Oct 2023

Interview for the Dropbox Working Smarter series
How Cambridge scientists use machine learning to improve climate modelling
June 2023


Co-supervisor of a masters student thesis: Developing a model for the distribution of electrons along Earth’s magnetic field lines, with comparisons to satellite data.

Part II Paper 10: Volcanology – Volcanic Plumes
Covering plume generation and structure, tephra deposition, and pyroclastic flows.

Engineering IB Paper 7 – Mathematics
Covering topics of Vector calculus, Partial differential equations, probability, and linear algebra.

Co-supervisor of two masters student theses in Geophysical Fluid mechanics:

  • Experimental investigations of tidal vortices
  • Eye stability in tropical cyclones

Part IIA Mechanical Papers:

  • 3C5 - Dynamics
  • 3C6 - Vibrations

Prizes and Awards

Other Activities and Achievements

Organiser of lunchtime talks on a variety of research software topics
2022 - present
List of past and future talks

Organiser of evening science talks at Peterhouse 2013 - 2018

Bronze, Silver, and Gold award holder

Keen competitor for university/club and county
Chair of City of Cambridge Bowmen
Captain/President, treasurer, webmaster, tournaments, and equipment officer for the university archery club.
Given club contribution award in 2014
Received BUTTS League Purple Badge recognising significant contribution to student archery in 2018
Records officer for Cambridgeshire Archery 2017 – 2021
Full Blue athlete for Cambridge University 2019

Keen musician with Grade 8 in French Horn and Grade 6 Piano
Member of various ensembles at school and university


Available upon request